Free Misophonia Diagnosis

We've dedicated countless hours to perfecting a Misophonia assessment that marries precision with affordability.

Our AI-driven system has been meticulously trained and rigorously peer-reviewed by top healthcare professionals to ensure you receive the most dependable diagnosis available online.


Peer-Reviewed Assessments

After your diagnosis, select from two tailored options: our Independent Expert Tested AI Report for immediate, data-driven insights or our Health Professional Review for a thorough, personal validation of your results.

  • Available immediately
  • Jargon Free Report
  • Misophonia combined diagnosis
  • Custom action plan
  • Reviewed by healthcare professional
  • Might get tested for other associated symptoms
Misophonia Report
Pro Assessment

Our Experts

Dr. Sushil Deshmukh

Dr. Adeel Sarwar

Dr. Marianna Nikiforou

Dr. Marc Mandell

Do you have Misophonia?

Individuals with Misophonia may find it challenging to cope with specific sounds that trigger emotional or physical reactions, leading to discomfort or distress in various situations.

They might experience heightened sensitivity to sounds such as chewing, breathing, or keyboard typing, often resulting in feelings of frustration, anxiety, or even anger.

Client Success Stories

Join thousands of individuals who have gained clarity and support through our Misophonia diagnosis service.


We take your privacy very seriously and have strict measures in place to protect it. Your personal information and test results are kept confidential and are only accessible to authorized individuals involved in providing you with the test and associated services. We use industry-standard security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access, loss, or theft.

Yes, the Misophonia diagnosis itself is free.

Our Misophonia report is more affordable than traditional diagnostic methods because we use a combination of advanced artificial intelligence and medical doctors located outside of the UK and the US to provide accurate and reliable reports. By leveraging the power of AI and remote medical professionals, we are able to provide high-quality reports at a fraction of the cost of traditional diagnostic methods. Additionally, our reports are available online, which eliminates the need for in-person consultations and reduces associated costs. We are committed to providing affordable and accessible Misophonia reporting to individuals around the world, regardless of their location or financial resources.

The costs associated with managing Misophonia can vary depending on factors such as the severity of symptoms, treatment options chosen, and insurance coverage. However, studies suggest that individuals with Misophonia may incur additional expenses related to therapy, noise-canceling devices, and other coping mechanisms.

Managing Misophonia can involve various costs, including expenses for therapy sessions, specialized treatments, and accommodations to minimize exposure to trigger sounds. While these costs can add up, seeking effective treatment and support can help individuals manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Whether Misophonia qualifies as a disability depends on factors such as the severity of symptoms and how they impact an individual's ability to perform daily activities. While some individuals with Misophonia may be eligible for disability benefits, the process of obtaining such benefits can vary depending on jurisdiction and individual circumstances.

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) eligibility is determined based on an individual's ability to perform daily living activities and mobility-related tasks, rather than specific diagnoses such as Misophonia. However, individuals with Misophonia may be eligible for PIP if their condition significantly affects their ability to function independently.

While online tests can provide insights into whether someone may be experiencing symptoms of Misophonia, a formal diagnosis typically requires evaluation by a qualified healthcare professional. However, online assessments can serve as a helpful starting point for individuals seeking to understand their symptoms and explore potential treatment options.

The most legitimate Misophonia tests are those conducted or overseen by qualified healthcare professionals, such as audiologists, psychologists, or otolaryngologists. These tests may include thorough evaluations of an individual's medical history, symptoms, and responses to trigger sounds, as well as objective measurements of auditory sensitivity.

Confirming a diagnosis of Misophonia typically involves consultation with a healthcare professional specializing in auditory disorders, such as an audiologist or otolaryngologist. The process may include a comprehensive evaluation of symptoms, medical history, and responses to trigger sounds, as well as objective assessments of auditory sensitivity and processing.

The Misophonia test is for individuals who suspect they may be experiencing symptoms of Misophonia, such as heightened sensitivity to specific sounds, emotional or physical reactions triggered by sounds, and difficulties coping with everyday noise environments. It is suitable for adults and children seeking clarification on their symptoms and potential treatment options.

While online Misophonia tests can provide valuable insights into an individual's symptoms and experiences, they are not a substitute for a comprehensive evaluation by a qualified healthcare professional. A formal diagnosis of Misophonia typically involves thorough assessment and consideration of various factors, including medical history, symptoms, and responses to trigger sounds.

Paper versions of Misophonia self-assessment tests may be available through healthcare providers or educational resources. However, it is essential to ensure that any paper-based assessments used are valid, reliable, and administered by qualified professionals.

To get tested for Misophonia, individuals may seek evaluation from healthcare professionals specializing in auditory disorders, such as audiologists or otolaryngologists. The evaluation process may include comprehensive assessment of symptoms, medical history, and responses to trigger sounds, as well as objective measurements of auditory sensitivity and processing.

With appropriate support, coping strategies, and treatment interventions, many individuals with Misophonia can lead fulfilling lives despite their condition. Understanding one's triggers, managing stress, and seeking assistance from healthcare professionals can help individuals develop effective strategies for minimizing the impact of Misophonia on daily life.

While online tests can provide insights into whether someone may be experiencing symptoms of Misophonia, self-diagnosis is not a substitute for a formal evaluation by a qualified healthcare professional. Misophonia shares symptoms with other auditory and psychological conditions, and an accurate diagnosis requires thorough assessment and consideration of various factors.